Blue Mind Men, is a cold water swim club, its not really a club as such, it is a place and a time to meet like minded people that love or want to try cold water.
Blue Mind Men, meet at 09:00 every Sunday of the year at the Public Jetties, Rayrigg Meadow, Windermere.
We care a lot about the Lake and regularly do litter picks along the beach, we do have a 'Leave it Better' policy and quite a few BMM also get involved with the Big Windermere Survey as 'Citizen Scientists' to try and understand Windermere better making sure to visit relevant events about Windermere and the health of the Lake.
There can sometimes be upwards of 100 people down for a Sunday dip in Winter, its very, very special, I am part of that community of people and I started documenting the group very early on - here is Blue Mind Men's 2023 in pictures, enjoy!